Speakers and Trainers
Roman Cupka
Senior Principal Consultant | Progress Software Corporation & CEO | Synapsa Networks | Slovakia
Roman Cupka
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Ján Adamovský pracuje pre Slovenskú sporiteľňu od roku 2007. Počas svojej kariéry zastával viaceré pozície v oblasti bezpečnosti priamo v banke, dcérskej IT spoločnosti a zahraničnej sesterskej spoločnosti Erste Srbsko. V rámci profesnej kariéry sa venuje rôznym aspektom bezpečnosti vrátane definovania požiadaviek na veľké bankové projekty, vedenie tímov bezpečnostných špecialistov, definovanie bezpečnostných stratégií ako aj oblasti krízového riadenia. V súčasnosti vedie odbor bezpečnosti v rámci Slovenskej sporiteľne, ktorý zastrešuje oblasti kybernetickej bezpečnosti, fyzickej bezpečnosti, riadenie kontinuity služieb, krízového manažmentu a prevenciu podvodov v digitálnom priestore. Rád provokuje štandardné prístupy a robí veci, ktoré majú zmysel.
Ladislav Bačo je bezpečnostný konzultant a analytik malvéru, s 15 ročnými skúsenosťami v oblastiach počítačovej bezpečnosti, informatiky a vzdelávania. Ladislav spolupracoval pri riešení bezpečnostných incidentov namierených voči kritickej infraštruktúre doma aj v zahraničí a analyzoval viacero pokročilých kybernetických hrozieb typu APT. V súčasnosti pracuje vo firme ESET ako analytik sieťových infiltrácií.
Ladislav je držiteľom odborných certifikácií ako GCTI, CHFI a ECES.
Roman Čupka má viac ako 15 rokov skúseností na trhu ICT v oblasti počítačových sietí, IT infraštruktúry, informačnej a kybernetickej bezpečnosť. V posledných rokoch pôsobí ako konzultant so zameraním na moderné technológie monitoringu infraštruktúry a počítačových sietí, analýzy dát, detekcie a reakcie na incidenty, automatizáciu a aplikovania fundamentálnych princípov kybernetickej bezpečnosti v organizáciách.
Cyber Rangers | Česká republika
Michal je blue teamer, odborník na kybernetické riziká, architekt bezpečnostných riešení a manažér IT služieb s viac ako 20-ročnými skúsenosťami. Jeho kariéra zahŕňa technické školenia, tvorbu IT a InfoSec stratégie, strategické riadenie projektov a bezpečnosť kritickej infraštruktúry. Zameriava sa najmä na riadenie rizík v IT a kvantitatívnu analýzu kybernetických rizík (CRQ). Na základe kybernetických hrozieb a rizík a stavu firemného prostredia určuje konkrétne bezpečnostné stratégie, systematické plány rozvoja kybernetickej bezpečnosti a súbory opatrení na zvýšenie kybernetickej odolnosti. Venuje sa tiež bezpečnosti priemyselných a riadiacich systémov a prevádzkových technológií (ICS a OT Security).
Mária Krahulecová je spoluzakladateľka spoločnosti QuBit Security, ktorá už viac ako 10 rokov poskytuje vzdelávanie v oblasti informačnej a kybernetickej bezpečnosti pod značkami Qubit Conference a Qubit Academy. Mária vedie skvelý tím ľudí, ktorý spoločne organizuje kvalitné odborné podujatia rôznych formátov a veľkostí v spolupráci s top odborníkmi na Slovensku aj vo svete. Podporu komunity vzájomným prepájaním jej členov s cieľom zdieľania skúseností, dobrej praxe a vytváranie atmosféry spolupráce vníma aj ako svoje poslanie.
Boris je autorom mnohých článkov a odborných publikácií k danej oblasti. Po mnohých rokoch na cestách za kybernetickou bezpečnosťou je teraz Boris šťastný cybersec analytik v spoločnosti Excello. Boris je audítorom a výskumným pracovníkom. Ako freelancer v oblasti bezpečnosti IT spolupracuje s mnohými spoločnosťami v celej Európe.
Leadership a well-being koučka sa pohybuje vo svete biznisu viac ako 20 rokov. Má skúsensti s rozvojom organizácií a líderských kompetencií naprieč rôznymi odvetviami, regiónmi, či úrovňami riadenia. Pracovala pre veľké korporácie ako IBM, Dell a Korn Ferry, aktuálne okrem individuálneho koučovania a poradenstva, usporadúva Well-being konferenciu pre lídrov, prvú svojho druhu na Slovensku. Od roku 2018 spolupracuje s Forbes Slovensko na projekte Nevyhorení a prispieva k témam mentálneho zdravia a osobného rozvoja lídrov.
Miroslav je bezpečnostný analytik s viac ako 8 ročnými skúsenosťami v oblasti kybernetickej bezpečnosti. Momentálne pracuje ako bezpečnostný analytik v spoločnosti ESET. V minulosti pracoval pre vládnu jednotku CSIRT.SK ako analytik a neskôr ako vedúci oddelenia Analýzy Kybernetických Hrozieb. Má praktické skúsenosti s riešením ransomware incidentami. Je držiteľom rôznych odborných certifikácií ako BTL1, CHFI a GCFA.
Tatra banka | Slovensko
Jozef sa počas niekoľkých rokov profesionálne pohybuje v oblasti informačnej bezpečnosti, prešiel si rolami administrátora Identity and Access management systému, Security Officer, neskôr sa zameral viac na metodickú časť informačnej bezpečnosti, až na riadenie rizík v tej istej oblasti.
V súčasnosti pracuje ako vedúci oddelenia rizika a odolnosti ICT. Medzi jeho zodpovednosti v organizácii patrí vlastníctvo rámca ICT Risk, zodpovednosť za riadenie kontinuity podnikania, podpora GDPR a bezpečnostné vzdelávanie.
Medzi výsledky jeho práce v banke patrí okrem iného implementácia ICT Risk managementu v súlade s novými štandardmi publikovanými EBA, či koncepcia vzdelávania pre zamestnancov, ale aj pre klientov. Budovanie povedomia o bezpečnosti z pohľadu klienta je známe pod značkou #predigitalnubezpecnost.
Tatra banka, Chairman | CISO Club | Slovensko
Čoskoro zverejníme informácie o rečníkovi.
Čoskoro zverejníme informácie o rečníkovi.
Slovenska sporitelna | Slovakia
Jan Adamovsky has been working for Slovenská sporiteľňa since 2007. Throughout his career, he has held several positions in security directly within the bank, its subsidiary IT company, and the foreign affiliate Erste Serbia. Within his professional career, he focuses on various aspects of security, including defining requirements for large banking projects, leading teams of security specialists, defining security strategies, and crisis management. Currently, he heads the security department at Slovenská sporiteľňa, overseeing cyber security, physical security, business continuity management, crisis management, and fraud prevention in the digital space. He enjoys challenging standard approaches and doing things that make sense.
Network Analyst
ESET | Slovakia
Ladislav Baco has 15 years of experience as a security consultant and malware analyst in computer security, IT, and education. Ladislav collaborated on addressing security incidents targeting critical infrastructure domestically and abroad and analyzed several advanced cyber threats, such as APTs. Currently, he works at ESET as a network infiltration analyst.
Ladislav holds professional certifications such as GCTI, CHFI, and ECES.
Senior Principal Consultant
Progress Software | CSO | IstroSec
Roman Cupka has over 15 years of experience in the ICT market specializing in computer networks, IT infrastructure, information, and cyber security. In recent years, he has been working as a consultant focusing on modern technologies for monitoring infrastructure and computer networks, data analysis, incident detection and response, automation, and applying fundamental principles of cyber security in organizations.
Cyber Security Consultant
Cyber Rangers | Czech Republic
Michal is a blue teamer, cyber risk expert, security solution architect, and manager of IT services with more than 20 years of experience. His career includes technical training, IT and InfoSec strategy creation, strategic project management, and critical infrastructure security. It mainly focuses on risk management in IT and quantitative analysis of cyber risks (CRQ). Based on cyber threats and risks and the state of the corporate environment, he determines specific security strategies, systematic cyber security development plans, and sets of measures to increase cyber resilience. He also deals with the security of industrial and control systems and operational technologies (ICS and OT Security).
Co-founder of QuBit Security
Mária Krahulecová is the co-founder of QuBit Security, which has been providing education in information and cybersecurity for more than 10 years under the brands QuBit Conference® and QuBit Academy. Maria leads a fantastic team that collaborates with top experts in Slovakia and worldwide to organize high-quality professional events in various formats and sizes. It also perceives its mission as supporting the community by connecting its members to share experiences, best practices, and creating an atmosphere of cooperation.
Security analyst
Excello a Virusfree.cz | Czech Republic
Boris is the author of many articles and professional publications in the field. After many years traveling in pursuit of cybersecurity, Boris is now a happy cybersec analyst at Excello. He serves as an auditor and researcher. As a freelance IT security specialist, he collaborates with numerous companies across Europe.
GAMO| Slovakia
Since 2011, she has been involved in the field of IT security. She oversees the implementation of security policies and measures in line with legislative requirements for cybersecurity and information security. She focuses on cybersecurity resilience service projects and ensures that the deployed technologies meet high standards for IT security, reliable protection, and safeguarding of client data at GAMO.
Executive Leadership Coach & Consultant
Zuzana is a leadership and well-being coach who has been active in the business for over 20 years. She has experience in developing organizational and leadership competencies across various industries, regions, and management levels. She has worked for major corporations such as IBM, Dell, and Korn Ferry. Currently, in addition to providing individual coaching and consulting, she organizes the Well-being Conference for leaders, the first of its kind in Slovakia. Since 2018, she has collaborated with Forbes Slovakia on the “Unburnt” project and contributed to topics related to mental health and the personal development of leaders.
Security Analyst
ESET | Slovakia
Miroslav is a security analyst with over 8 years of experience in cybersecurity. Currently, he works as a security analyst at ESET. In the past, he worked for the government unit CSIRT.SK as an analyst and later as the head of the Cyber Threat Analysis department. He has practical experience in dealing with ransomware incidents. He holds various professional certifications such as BTL1, CHFI, and GCFA.
ICT & Security risk manager
Tatrabanka | Slovakia
Jozef has been professionally active in information security for several years. He has held roles such as Identity and Access Management System Administrator and Security Officer. Later, he focused more on the methodological aspects of information security, eventually moving on to risk management in the same area.
He is currently the head of the ICT Risk and Resilience Department. Among his responsibilities in the organization are ownership of the ICT Risk framework, responsibility for business continuity management, support for GDPR, and security training.
Among the outcomes of his work at the bank is the implementation of ICT Risk Management by the new standards published by the EBA, as well as the developing of educational concept for both employees and clients. Building awareness about security from the client’s perspective is known under the brand #predigitalnubezpecnost.
Tatrabanka, Chairman | CISO Club | Slovakia
Marek has more than 15 years of experience in IT security. He focuses on implementing new technologies into the banking environment. In IT security, his focus includes database security, behavioral metrics, analysis, assessments, and correlations of unstructured data. He enhances security awareness through lecturing.
We will post speaker information soon.
We will post speaker information soon.
HR manager | Slovakia
Director, Enterprise Sales Eastern Europe
SentinelOne | Slovakia
Peter Lechman has more than 20 years of experience in information technology, working for multinational vendors where he focused on developing large customers, introducing new products to the market, and building sales teams and partner networks in the region of Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Central Asia. In the past, he worked for Cisco and spent the following eight years building the sales network at Palo Alto Networks. Since September 2023, he has joined SentinelOne as the Sales Director for Eastern Europe. He graduated from the University of Economics in Prague.
Security Director
ZSE | Slovakia
Cybersecurity Team Leader
Siemens Healthineers | Slovakia
Terezia has worked in Siemens Healthineers as a cybersecurity expert and leader. During her time she had been exposed to various cybersecurity topics. During her time she had been expoHer longest experience is in the secure development lifecycle, she supported R&D teams with vulnerability assessments, threat modeling, and secure coding. She’s currently expanding her scope towards broader product lifecycle, and incident management. She’s leading an international distributed team.
Senior Security Officer
Trenkwalder IT Services | Slovakia
In two decades spent in the IT world, I had the opportunity to gain experience from almost every corner of this vast profession. The majority of my professional career, however, has been dedicated to security, particularly risk management and compliance. Currently, I work as a Senior Security Officer, responsible for overseeing information security across the entire organization from awareness to backups.
Cybersecurity Manager
PwC | Slovakia
More than 18 years of experience as a Cybersecurity Specialist, Consultant, Auditor, and Manager, currently working in the Risk Assurance department at PwC.
He is the manager and team leader of junior and senior consultants and auditors in cybersecurity, providing consulting and auditing services to our clients across various sectors/industries.
Soitron Group | Slovakia
Ondrej Smolár was involved in the founding of the company in 1991 and has been present at all key moments in the development of this Slovak integrator operating in the European market. Whether it was building Soitron’s technical division, establishing the very first IT delivery center in Slovakia, or handling international acquisitions. Today, he strategically manages the entire group, which operates in 7 European countries and is a long-standing leader in IT security, IT infrastructure and networks, communication solutions, IT services and outsourcing, the Internet of Things, robotics and automation, cloud solutions, and has its own cybersecurity monitoring center. He collaborates with non-profit organizations such as Via Iuris as a board member and is also a member of the board of the Pontis Foundation. As an investor, he supports IT startups.
Sr. Cloud Solution Architect
Microsoft | Slovakia
Roman has been dedicated to Microsoft technologies for a long time, since 2007. Throughout his time at the company, he has held various technical roles focused on application development, cloud technologies, development processes, and smart technologies. He currently works as a Senior He participates in complex commercial projects in Central and Eastern Europe, which have high demands for scalability, hybrid nature, or long-term sustainability and a high level of security, in sectors such as manufacturing, finance, energy, and more. He participates in complex commercial projects in Central and Eastern Europe, which have high demands for scalability, hybrid nature, or long-term sustainability and a high level of security, in sectors such as manufacturing, finance, energy, and more.
ESET| Slovakia
Student and part-time worker
TUKE | part-time worker at LYNX | Slovakia
Renata is a student at the Technical University of Košice, specializing in cybersecurity. Before starting her university studies, she graduated from the Secondary Industrial School of Electrical Engineering in Košice, where she focused on information and network technologies. In her free time, she actively participates in various volunteer initiatives aimed at raising awareness about internet security, such as the AjTyvIT SecurityGirls program and CSIRT UPJŠ’s “Learn the Basics of Information Security and Educate Your Community” initiative. She has also enhanced her professional skills by attending a summer school on cybercrime. Currently, she works part-time at LYNX s.r.o. as an assistant in the Security Monitoring and Proactive Protection Department. She aims to contribute her knowledge while primarily focusing on learning and gaining new experience in cybersecurity.
Global Head of Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
Siemens Healthineers | Slovakia
Over two decades of experience in the enterprise environment with a focus on application security and complex solutions. As an auditor, I concentrate on building security and believe that, in today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, the boundaries between physical and cybersecurity are increasingly blurred.
Senior Technical Pre-Sales Representative
ESET | Slovakia
Július Selecký has been working in the field of information and cyber security for more than 15 years. After successfully completing his doctoral studies at the Comenius University (FMUK), where he specialized in information systems, he put his knowledge into practice. Not only at ESET, but he also works at his alma mater as an assistant professor. Since 2018, he has been working at ESET as a Senior Technical Pre-Sales Representative. He actively works with clients and partners primarily in the enterprise segment to educate them and help them integrate the latest trends and practices in cyber security. In addition to consultations, testing, and presentations, he conducts practical workshops so that customers understand the products and effectively implement the solutions in their daily operations.
Slovak Telekom T-Mobile CZ | Slovensko
Tomas Masny currently holds the position of CISO at Slovak Telekom and T-Mobile CZ, which are part of the Deutsche Telekom Group. He has been working in security since 2005 and has been working in ICT/telco for 17 years. During his career, he has worked in consulting in Europe for customers in the energy, gas, banking, and government sectors as an expert. In the telco environment, he has held positions from expert, to program manager to manager. He has implemented and continues to implement many innovative, strategic, and transformational changes whether in telco mergers or as part of strategic developments in the in-depth defense of company assets, with the main mission being, is and will be to ensure the security of customer services and assets of the enterprise environment. Family, garden, bees, and nature are his relaxation when he is not on the defensive line.
Head of Security Business Continuity Management
Tatra banka | Slovakia
Katarina Rolna studied banking and finance. During her more than 20 years in the financial sector, she has worked in various areas such as ucore banking system replacement, demand management, IT operations process management (release and deployment management, SLA and vendor management, Asset and Configuration Management, Disaster Recovery Testing). Since August 2018, she has been the Chief Security Officer, responsible for information security, physical security, ICT risks, business continuity management, crisis management, and fraud prevention in online channels.
Head of IT
Regional Card Processing Centre | Slovakia
Miroslav Jaššo has over 24 years of experience in ICT in areas such as security, development, testing, IT and software architecture, and IT operations. Since 2009, he has worked in multinational corporations across sectors such as automotive, retail, and banking. For the past 2 years, he has served as Head of IT in the banking sector, managing an international team of over 100 ICT specialists.
SOC manager
Axenta | Czech Republic
He has long-term experience in implementing and managing SOC (staffing, center operations, collaboration with entities, customer onboarding) across various market segments (banking, industry, public sector, utilities). He is the leader of a team of 22 people (SOC+CSIRT).
Chief Information Security Officer
Orange| Slovakia
Henrich has more than 20 years of experience in the telecommunications industry in the area of telecommunication and IT infrastructure and services. For the last 5 years, he held the position of Information Security Manager at Orange Slovensko a.s. Henrich leads important security projects, such as the implementation of a Security Operations Center, IT and telecommunication infrastructure security monitoring, and automation in incident response.
DÔVERA zdravotná poisťovňa | Slovakia
At Dôvera, he oversees the area of cybersecurity. He presents proposals to the company’s management for improvements in cybersecurity. He protects the organization’s information assets by implementing and managing cybersecurity processes. He conceptually manages the organization’s cybersecurity strategy. He oversees the response to security incidents and proposes corrective measures. He plans to develop cyber education and test employees on current security threats. He plans and supervises testing vulnerabilities and the resilience of the organization’s IS and IT services. He audits key IS suppliers and intermediaries in terms of cybersecurity, AI risks, and GDPR. He collaborates on improving the sectoral level of cybersecurity.
Security Department Manager
Soitron| Slovakia
Stanislav Smolar leads the security department at Soitron. His entire professional career has been in IT, where he has held various service delivery and implementation roles in networking and security environments. Under his leadership, the security department has become one of the key pillars of Soitron. His favorite topics include industrial security, multi-factor authentication, and privileged access management.
Chief Advisory Officer and partner
EMARK| Slovakia
Over 22 years of combined experience in IT and business process advisory, audit, internal controls, IT security, IT governance and IT assurance areas